Loker Batam PT. Harapan Jaya Sentosa

Loker Batam PT. Harapan Jaya Sentosa
Loker Batam PT. Harapan Jaya Sentosa

Batam, Owntalk.co.idHarapan Jaya Sentosa adalah perusahaan di Batam yang bergerak dibidang desain dan konstruksi di bawah naungan Panbil Group. Jika Anda sedang mencari loker Batam, jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini!

Harapan Jaya Sentosa Batam BUTUH SEGERA:


We’re on the lookout for candidates to fill these roles:

1. One year Contract Employee

Job Description

  • Assist in preparing monthly, quarterly, and annual financial reports.
  • Process and record invoices, payments, and receipts.
  • Assist with tax reports and audits.

2. 3-Months Contract Employee (Maternity Leave Cover)

Job Description

  • Handle accounting responsibilities during the replacement period.
  • Provide administrative support related to financial reporting.

3. Internship (6-Months)

Job Description

Get hands-on experience and assist the accounting team

General Qualifications:

  • S1 degree in Accounting (positions 1 & 2).
  • Able to speak Mandarin is preferably (positions 1 & 2)
  • Domiciled in Batam, Kepulauan Riau (positions 1, 2 & 3)
  • Familiar with Spreadsheet and bookeeping (positions 1, 2, & 3)
  • Active VHS or university student majoring in Accounting (position 3).

Send your CV, application letter, and supporting documents to:

Alamat Email Perusahaan:

Email: recruitment@harapancons.com 

Email Subject: Accounting_Position no_Batam

Example: Accounting_Position3_Batam

Jika ingin lowongan kerja perusahaan kamu masuk ke halaman ini atau ingin melakukan kerja sama silahkan email pengajuan Anda ke partnership@owntalk.co.id.

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